Source: De alimento

Hippocrates, author

Hippocr. Alim. = Hippocratis: De alimento. — In: Hippocrate; tome VI, 2e partie: Du régime des maladies aiguës. De l’aliment. De lʾusage des liquides. Texte établi et traduit par Robert Joly. Paris 1972 (Collection Budé), pp. 140–47. — Ref. to | page | . | line | .

Referred to only when textually significant: Hippocratis De alimento. Ed. I. L. Heiberg. Lipsiae et Berolini 1927 (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum. I, 1), pp. 79–84.

> K. al-Ġiḏāʾ.

¶ Hippocrates: On nutriment. Ed. and transl. with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock. Cambridge 1971. (Arabic Technical and Scientific Texts. 6, 2.) — Ref. to | page | . | line | .

Sources (in alphabetical order)