Source: De officina medici

Hippocrates, author

Hippocr. Off. med. = Hippocrates: De officina medici.—In: Hippocratis Opera quae feruntur omnia. Ed. Hugo Kühlewein. Vol. II, pp. 30–45. Lipsiae 1902. — Ref. to | page | . | line | .

> K. Qāṭiyaṭriyyūn.

¶ Kitāb Buqrāṭ al-maʿrūf bi-Qāṭīṭrīūn ay Ḥānūt al-ṭabīb <Hippocrates: In the Surgery>. Ed. and transl. with introd., notes and glossary by M. C. Lyons. Cambridge 1968. (Arabic Technical and Scientific Texts. 3, 2.) — Ref. to | page | . | line | .

Sources (in alphabetical order)