Source: Enneades

Plotinus, author

Aristotle, author (misattributed)

Ibn Nāʿima, translator

Plot. = Plotinus: Enneades. — Plotini opera, edd. Paul Henry et Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer; t. 1–3 (t. 2: Plotiniana arabica ad fidem codicum anglice vertit Geoffrey Lewis.) Paris, Bruxelles 1951–73. (Museum Lessianum. Series Philosophica; 33–35.) — Ref. to | Enneas | | section | , | chapter | . | line | .

> Theol. Arist. = Kitāb Uṯūlūǧiyā wa-huwa qawl ʿalā l-rubūbiyya [Theologia Aristotelis]. In: ʿAbd-al-Raḥmān Badawī [ed.], Aflūṭīn ʿind al-ʿArab (Plotinus apud Arabes). al-Qāhira 1955, pp. 1–164. — Ref. to | book (mīmar) | | section | : | page | . | line | . The division into sections follows the English translation of Geoffrey Lewis in Plotini Opera, t. 2.

Dieterici = Die sogenannte Theologie des Aristoteles, aus arabischen Handschriften zum ersten Mal hrsg. von Fr[iedrich] Dieterici. Leipzig 1882.

> Risāla fī l-ʿIlm al-ilāhī / Ps.-al-Fārābī, ed. Badawī, Aflūṭīn ʿind al-ʿArab, pp. 165–83.

> al-Šayḫ al-Yūnānī = [Qawl] al-Šayḫ al-Yūnānī, ed. Badawī, Aflūṭīn ʿind al-ʿArab, pp. 184–94.

Sources (in alphabetical order)